Member Highlight | Luminary

Meet Luminary Member, Alicia Corven

Written by Luminary | Jun 8, 2020 6:53:36 PM

Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path/business journey?

I am a Latina and five-time Emmy award winning producer. I have been working in the media industry for over 18 years. Eight of those years were in sports live event production and documentary-series. My skill set covers an extensive range in media production and promotion and I struggled for over a decade to create seats at the table for myself and other women and people of color. In 2019, I got off the sidelines to do my part in being more involved in the fight for equality. I embarked on a mission to explore and uplift the voices of female entrepreneurs and leaders that are breaking gender and racial barriers. These women are not yet household names, but they should be. I want to share their stories because they are revolutionary in their fields. The timing of producing this documentary is extremely important and relevant to the current social and political climate, but more importantly, to our future. This year, I officially launched my production company Carmen & Co in memory of my mother, my grandmothers and all the great women and men who helped me get to this point in my life.

How are you overcoming challenges during the pandemic as a business owner?

I'm working on my person and business relationships more. I'm offering to help more women's businesses amplify their important messages, especially women of color.

What does your day to day schedule look like working from home?

Coffee first, research for my documentary, and research on where I can donate for covid relief and racial justice. Then comes virtual school with my daughter, few work zoom calls, running errands for my fam, and a lot of remote communication for current content I'm producing with audio engineer, editor and gfx colleagues. Lastly, dinner together with my family.

In what ways are you taking care of your personal well being and what are your #selfcare tips?

Reflecting, Reading, Jogging, Crying, CBD, Sex, Wine, and Laughing - Not all in the same order of course.

How are you inviting others to take a seat at the table #virtually?

I'm checking in with family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and asking if there is anything they need help with during this time. Whether running errands, brainstorming creative concepts or just being an ear to listen.

What impact has Luminary made in your career? eg: Business Generated, Revenue, New Clients, Career Connections, Advancement Opportunities 

Luminary inspired me to create my own business. I've met so many amazing women changing their communities and inspiring others. To be able to witness, learn, listen and connect with the members here has been quite a healing journey for me.