Member Highlight | Luminary

Meet Luminary Member, Kendra Woolridge

Written by Luminary | Feb 21, 2022 3:30:00 PM

Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path/business journey?

I've always been a nail polish lover-- addict really. When I set out to pursue my dream of having my own nail polish company, I discovered most nail polishes contain toxins and carcinogens with proven linkages to cancer. As the daughter of a 3x breast cancer survivor and granddaughter of someone who has succumbed to breast cancer, this hit home and changed my direction completely. From my simple desires of wanting to bring to life my nail polish dreams, I set out to create a company committed to clean beauty, while sharing my story. Through Janet & Jo. I'm able to share my story while educating and inspiring others.

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to and why?

I'm a visionary. My ability to clearly define my visions allow me plan, execute and overcome setbacks. Regardless of what roadblocks I encounter, my vision keeps me focused and allows me to persevere.

What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, or in your business, and what did you learn from it?

I've learned to remain curious. When I entered my career, I would act on advice without asking questions or fully understanding if the advice was applicable to me. I've learned there is no black and white roadmap to success and there is an importance in understanding the "why" behind every action and business decision.

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?

I'm currently working on being a better leader to those in my organization and clearly communicating the business' goals and agenda.

How do you invite others to a seat at your table?

Access to information is key in growth. I invite others a seat at the table by sharing resources, information and showing up as my authentic self in every space I'm in, to in turn empower others to do the same.


What is one thing that you wish you learned a year ago?

Leaning into my discomfort and being direct with others. I've learned how to be direct and exercise tact when communicating with others. This saves time and also leads to more effective communications.

What impact has Luminary made in your career? eg: Community, Business Generated, Revenue, New Clients, Career Connections, Advancement Opportunities

I'm a 2022 Luminary Fellow so the impact is TBD, but I foresee the connections generating learning and growth opportunities. I feel energized after our introductory meeting and I look forward to what I'll gain from the resources and connections I'm making.


Connect with Kendra!



