Member Highlight | Luminary

Sarah Casden is Keeping Community and Inclusivity At The Core of Hello Wellness

Written by Luminary | Oct 24, 2019 10:16:04 PM

Tell us a bit about yourself? I am Sarah Casden, a certified holistic nutritionist and natural foods chef, and the co-founder of Hello Wellness, an experiential marketing agency dedicated to wellness, and building in-person connections between like-minded health enthusiasts, wellness professionals, brands, and bloggers, alike!.
How did you get started with your current career path/business journey?  My career path started very accidentally and quite frankly selfishly. I was never thinking of it as a career, but rather something I wanted for myself.  I was very passionate about the health and wellness industry however, I could not say the same for my friends.  I felt somewhat isolated with no one to share my interests with and I was interested in connecting with like-minded people.  My co-founder, Jenna Sands, and I hosted what would later become the format for our company, as a get-together to meet new people and make friends in our city who shared our passions.  We soon realized that many people were craving the same connections and pivoted our small meetups into a nationwide business.
 What do you find is the most rewarding aspect of what you do?  Every time someone feels less alone and can become a happier and healthier version of themselves thanks to our events and community. It is unbelievably rewarding and worth any late hours, stressful trials and tribulations, you name it! Members of our community have completely changed their diet and outlook on nutrition after attending an event, met their fellow co-founder through connecting at our events, and formed such genuine friendships that they are now attending one another's weddings, baby showers, and more!  Ultimately, we did this so that hopefully people wouldn't feel alone and isolated in their passion for wellness and as we see this come to fruition it is truly incredible!  
How are you inviting other women to take a seat at the table? We pride ourselves in creating an inclusive community available to everyone regardless of their social media status, size, shape, color, anything.  There is a stigma in wellness that it is only available for the privileged minority and we are determined to make wellness more readily accessible to the masses.  EVERYONE is "wellness worthy" and therefore, EVERYONE can attend our events. They are not influencer-only or exorbitantly expensive.  We also have a scholarship ticket allotment for every event for anyone who truly can't afford the cost of the ticket but wants to attend and meet like-minded people.
What impact has Luminary made in your career? Luminary has connected us with so many incredibly supportive fellow female founders. Perhaps notably, is Luminary's founder, Cate, who has been a constant inspiration and role model to my co-founder and I both personally and professionally.