Being bold is believing bold!
Being bold is accepting and adapting accordingly. It is steering what is possible from the perspective of today in a meaningful and memorable way.
Being bold is being yourself because confidence is an inside directive. Confidence is something only you can lead for yourself. All the social media likes in the world cannot provide this for you, nor can your friends or family, or your team at work. Being bold is a part of leading the “brand of you.” It is how you show up for YOURSELF which organically translates to how you show up for and with others.
So, what gets in the way of being bold?
Inner critics.
Doubts and limiting thoughts.
We all have weak moments. Everyone has fears. Studies show that over 70% of people, mostly women, experience impostor syndrome at some point in their lives. An inner critic reviewing you out of fear and scarcity is the impostor and the catalyst to doubt and inactively. Critics, even our inner ones, can also provide accolades and positive reviews. When you choose to change your conversation on confidence, you become the recipient of more abundant self-esteem based on what you can accomplish and achieve, rather than what you cannot. It’s like pushing the elevator button to a higher floor. Choose differently and you get to pick the bigger, bolder thought or idea.
Even the most together person can have triggers that lower their confidence, zap their energy, and leave them questioning what is next. If you feel like something or someone is activating a drop in your confidence and self-worth, utilize these 6 strategies to be bold and lead bold.
Understand your value-add.
Clarity about what differentiates you and sets you apart is your edge. What sets you apart also sets you free! Your differentiators make you memorable, highlight your expertise, and celebrate your legacy.
Make a list of all the ways you add significance to a situation, team, or relationship and then begin to weave those words and concepts into conversations, bios, resumes, pitches, and everyday life. Leading with what makes you special, elevates your energy and reactivates and challenges your own belief system allowing you to showcase yourself more authentically. Do the back-of-house homework here and connect your value-add to an updated core values list and a list of personal and professional interests. Now link them all together.
Strengths + Interests + Core Values = Career & Life Alignment
Being bold is about asking for what you want. That ask begins with YOU. What happens if you ask for what you want? The next time you feel disempowered, remember to ask of yourself first. What can I do? Where can I get action and traction on something? What do I get to do? Now do that very thing. Once you are in conversation with yourself, opportunities will reveal themselves. What next steps make those opportunities possible? Delegate first to yourself, and then look outside yourself. Being bold is about getting the results you seek and being innovative and consistent in bringing those outcomes to life.
Choose your negotiables and non-negotiables.
What is important to you now? It is common to fall into a pattern of living by yesterday’s rules or channeling tomorrow’s story. When this happens, there is a disconnect between what you want to do and what you accomplish. What is important in cultivating courage and leading boldly is a strong understanding of what your current rules and boundaries are. These need to be written in today. Write them down and keep them current. Visit this list every day when you create your daily to-do lists. Your negotiables and non-negotiables should be reflected in the tasks you do, so lead with them. What do you want to say yes to? What can you unpack and leave behind? What is another way of getting the results that you seek?
Initialize an intuition check-in.
Create a new habit that honors your inner voice and intuition. Write down 3 intuitive thoughts you are having about a situation, person, or simply yourself. Circle the one that is calling to you the most. Now show respect for that thought by activating it. What is your one thing and what small step can you take to support it? Take that step in the next 24-hours. Rinse and repeat this every day. Ask yourself, “What is my intuition telling me to do?” Recognizing and utilizing your own directives builds a pattern of decision-making that enables boldness and unflinching confidence and opens the door to self-leadership and change designed and curated by you.
Write a love letter to yourself.
Grab a pen and paper and write from the heart. What do you like about yourself? Where can you re-direct the same nurturing and love you have for supporting and helping others toward YOU? Once written, read your letter out loud and repeat this every time you need a jolt of reality and appreciation.
Give yourself a daily compliment.
End your day with a daily compliment meant only for you. Repeating and reinforcing what you like about yourself, speaks to your successes, and highlights your wins. Write them down on a small piece of paper and save them in a basket or jar. When you need a vote of confidence, re-share your self-kindness.
Decide. Be bold. Lead.
Randi Levin CPC, is a nationally recognized transitional life strategist and reinvention expert and the founder of The Recalibration Network. Randi helps founders, entrepreneurs, and women in life-cycle transitions recalibrate and reclaim their power of choice so that personally and professionally they build and align with a successful and redefined version of who they are today. She supports them in boosting and energizing clarity and mindset, and in elevating self-esteem and self-awareness that impacts bold decisions and empowers self-leadership and productive goal-getting. Randi opens the door to her client’s next chapter and then supports and champions solutions and development. The results are a deeper connection to values, intuition, setting boundaries, goal-leading, and life alignment that makes it easier to launch, build, promote, and celebrate a business and a life that they love. After almost 2 decades in corporate, a long gig as a SAHM, and a successful launch as a transitional life strategist and reinvention expert 8+ years ago, Randi is a trusted and relatable coach, mentor, speaker, and thought-leader providing action-oriented strategies to recalibrate and reinvent next chapters.