With such a large community of working parents and caregivers, Luminary is proud to partner with Dove to support the Dove Self-Esteem Project to help make social media a healthier, safer experience for kids. We couldn't have thought of a better way to honor Mental Health Awareness Month than to shed light on one of the most critical influences on today's society. We strive everyday to help others follow their journeys by providing the tools and resources to do so, including how we support our mental health, wellbeing and self-care but also how we show up online and IRL. Social media has brought an abundance of positivity to our lives. However, sometimes the connections we make online don't transfer into the real world. And when a child is exposed to this type of behavior without parental guidance, they could take matters into their own hands. While social media helps foster creativity and connection, it is also one of the biggest threats to young people’s mental health today. The 2023 Dove Self-Esteem Project Research for Kids Online Safety shows 8 in 10 youth mental health specialists say social media is fueling a mental health crisis. To illustrate the scale of the issue and drive urgent action to protect the next generation, we urge you to watch and share with your networks, “Cost of Beauty,” which tells Mary’s story and the impact toxic beauty content on social media had on her mental health. This is just one story out of many. The video content features real stories about body appearance and may be upsetting or sensitive to some viewers. If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, dial 988 for 24/7 support. For eating disorder support or help finding treatment, text HEALING to 741741 or go to findEDhelp. Learn more and sign the official Petition for Kids Online Safety at Dove.com/kidsonlinesafety |