Oftentimes, LinkedIn gets looped in with the list of all other social media platforms. But, for those who use LinkedIn for more than just posting, they know LinkedIn deserves its own identity. Was it created in the same sense that people would connect and be able to share updates on their lives? Absolutely. But over the last 10 or so years, the social media platform has transformed into something much bigger.
The era of college graduates vigorously applying to job postings online has created its very own space in the job-seeking world. There are a handful of job board platforms that have earned their place in a Google search, but the number one spot is LinkedIn.
Why is LinkedIn the most respectable platform, especially because it is also considered a social media channel? Well, the features of course! LinkedIn has developed into not just a 750 million+ member-based platform, but also a credible one. As most other social media channels aren’t considered the most client-friendly reference, LinkedIn was created to give people a professional tool to network and develop, while job seekers post their resumes and employers post new opportunities.
Since the launch of LinkedIn in 2003, a ton of features have been added, allowing a more user-friendly experience. And because of its similar concept to connect and network with others, there’s still a social aspect such as companies posting updates, individuals posting their newest promotions, and employers looking to fill their next position.
For the job seekers out there, we don’t suggest ruling out other job board websites, but LinkedIn is one to keep within the rotation. Many employers now use LinkedIn for various reasons, but at the end of the day, it is still the number one job board platform.
As for the career builders out there, you may be wondering what the purpose of LinkedIn could be for you? We know it’s a great tool for the job seekers, and yes, using it as a social channel is clear, but what else could you be doing to help yourself as you continue to build your career?
Here are three ways to get the most out of LinkedIn to help your career:
An Updated Profile
Is your profile the most up to date? Keeping your profile consistent with updated information — new job, new skills, new award, is crucial when someone reviews your profile. This may determine someone approaching you with various opportunities. It would only hurt to not skim through your profile every month or so to determine new information in needed. Even if you’re not seeking out a new job opportunity, perhaps someone looking for a specialist in your field is exploring keynote speakers for a seminar coming up. If you don’t have what they are looking for, that speaker opportunity wouldn’t happen. People are constantly scoping out potential opportunities in all aspects, and guess where their first search is going to occur…
A Large Network
How often are you connecting with others on LinkedIn? If you’re just searching and clicking on other profiles and NOT requesting to connect, this is a loss! The larger your network grows; the more people will be exposed to your profile. And, when on the hunt for the perfect contact for a particular business question, not being connected already can delay the reply when sending over an ask. In this case, more is more! If you don’t want to send over an introductory message, no problem – just make that connection anyways and at least have that open door to approach them later already knowing they connected with you.
Additional Features
We mentioned LinkedIn has incorporated various features over the last 10+ years… are you using them? Do you know what they even are? There are too many to list but here’s two you can do today.
1. Business page: Do you own your own company? Your company should have its own page aside from your personal profile. This also allows employees of your company to tag a business page, which will create more exposure to your company name. Just like you would on Instagram or Facebook, have a scheduled-out content strategy for LinkedIn for your business page. Each platform is a bit different in terms of content but look at other business pages and see how they utilize yet another free marketing tool.
2. Search for events: looking to expand on your skill sets? LinkedIn has a new feature that allows companies to post when events are happening. You can RSVP through most of these and click a link to submit your information and payment (if applicable). It’s always a good idea to keep on learning and developing and a certain area, why not use this platform to find those opportunities.
Out of all the social media platforms, LinkedIn probably has the most benefits. If you choose to spend endless time on your phone and feel the urge to scroll, choose LinkedIn. Not only will you be able to see what’s going on with others (in a professional way) but you can look for new job opportunities while searching for events to attend, and grow your network by connecting with others.
There are many ways technology has replaced old school methods, but some things stay the same, like networking. LinkedIn is known for being the platform to do this and unlike any other social channel, making professional connections can lead to endless possibilities.
Networking can be tough, especially in the digital world. It’s easy to click the connect button, but what do you do next? Are you looking for additional resources to learn how to make the most out of digital and/or virtual networking? For additional career resources and relevant topics, check out Luminary for available programs and events that uplift, up-skill, and propel others forward through all phases of their professional journey.
A first-of-its-kind, Luminary is a membership-based global professional growth platform and collaboration hub created for women and male allies to address the systemic challenges impacting women across all industries and sectors. The ultimate career advocate, Luminary provides “real world” advice, tools, and resources to advance, build, connect, and develop through programming and networking opportunities.
With no application process, Luminary is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We invite you to come sit at our table because we are all in this together!