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New Blog, Who's This?


Welcome to our inaugural Luminary Blog! This is a space where we will share our thoughts, our community happenings, tips, professional advice, wellness, and the social and economic impact of women across our community and the world. We invite you to #comesitatourtable and enjoy the readings!

Our community welcomed 2019 radiantly, owning the “New Year, Your Way” mantra. Throughout the month of January, we delivered programming and content specially curated to ensure our community of phenomenal Luminaries stepped into this new year feeling empowered with the right tools, inspiration, and insight from industry leaders.

Our motto is simple yet mighty-- we invite our community of women and women-identified across all ages, backgrounds, industries and levels to come sit at our table because, as our founder and CEO Cate Luzio has previously stated, “no one cares about your career, your goals, or your growth more than you do; so invest in yourself in lots of different ways. Let Luminary be one of the tools that guides you.”  

With that in mind, we kicked off our Luminous Speaker Series with a fireside chat with powerhouses Cate Luzio and GaryVee-- and as you can imagine, well over 100 inspired individuals floated around our space with high spirits, mingling and enjoying the company of familiar faces and connecting with new ones. Attendees found their way to our living room space where both Cate and Gary would later share an intimate discussion filled with priceless wisdom, honesty, and of course, laughter. If you weren’t able to attend this fireside chat, you’re in luck! First and foremost, we will have more fireside chats every month with leaders from various industries (heads up, Sallie Krawcheck on February 25th). You can check out who is joining us for February and beyond here. Secondly, Gary’s team was able to capture some of the moments from the event in this quick Youtube video here.


On the programming end, members participated in a variety of weekly Illumination Sessions, which include workshops and smaller intimate discussions geared towards professional and personal development. In January, we delivered six different Illumination Sessions covering topics such as “Telling Your Professional Story”, (led by our very own Surabhi Lal, Head of Program Development and Learning), “Your 2019 Action Plan” by Marlene Brito and “Make 2019 the Year of Abundant Thinking” by Carolyn Centeno, both are members of our community. Part of what makes Luminary so rich is not only the diverse background and talents of our members, but also their willingness to share their knowledge and invest in their fellow Luminaries. Thank you Carolyn and Marlene for contributing to the enrichment of our community!



We also had the honor of hosting our first strong fitness panel (yes, the pun is intended), “Fitting in Fitness”. We learned from some of our fitness partners [Holly Rilinger, Leanne Shear and Colleen Conlon] how they stay motivated, their views on body image and wellness overall as well as their favorite kinds (and frequency) of workouts.The discussion got so real that by the end of the talk everyone present declared 2019 “the year of the real”! Why? This IG post has all the intel.


We closed the month with a call to being MORE BRAVE with Crista Samaras, where we explored the value of being intentionally uncomfortable and confronting our fears both personally and professionally. Finally, we gained some juicy insights from our partner PureWow Ask an Editor” panel, and nothing was off limits! We gathered some insight and learnings in this post here.


The month of February is beaming with a solid lineup of events and programs promising to spark the flames of your intellect, and keep you on track as you continue to make 2019 a luminous year. Before you go, check out all of the events in February


Stay tuned for our next post!




