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The Anatomy of an Action Step


"I am delighted and very honored to partner with Luminary from March-May 2022 as we launch their very first Luminary in Residence Series! Over the course of the next 3-months, I will be extra accessible to Luminary members offering a variety of programming and connections that support change and transition. Decide, Be bold, & Lead are 3 pillars that I believe hallmark every significant and successful business or personal renewal and we will explore all 3 in our time together. Below is my first blog post as a Luminary in Residence. The Anatomy of an Action Step sets the foundation for a year of change and transition. I invite you into the discussion. Decide. Be bold. Lead." 

Randi Levin, Transitional Life Strategist and Luminary In Residence Contributor. 


The Anatomy of an Action Step

Let’s face it, setting your intentions and goals in motion is the easy part of your success equation. Bucket lists, new year’s resolutions, promises real or imagined, wishes on birthday cakes, and even writing a business plan are easy to create. What is not as easy to get traction on is the commitment, the execution, the daily fix of a myriad of action steps that get you your goals, make your dreams come true, and support you in celebrating 2022 growth and renewal.

So, what does it take to stay true to change?

How can you stop thinking about, reading about, and talking about the transformations you seek and begin the hard work of achieving them?

The answer lies in understanding the anatomy of an action step!

Actions steps and the results they inspire are made up of 3 essential components:

  • Decision-making
  • Boldness
  • Leadership

Every single day, hundreds of choices unfold before us. Most of them you do not even recognize, many are selected by rote. Yet, every single decision you make is an action step being ignored, dumped, or getting its wings to soar! The mindfulness that you attach to your choices, the permission you allow yourself to make regarding them, and your consistency and follow up contribute to your overall achievement.

Imagine a drop-down menu, much like the ones on your computer. Envision this menu as a menu of choices and use this visual to energize what you get to do each day. An action step anchored in gratitude translates to a deed done. For an action step to have meaning it must be selected and chosen with clarity and commitment. It must have current significance to YOU.

Once an action step comes alive, your ability to be bold and believe in it determines its life span. Every step counts. Even the small ones. You are a work in progress, and you can choose to course correct choices. In fact, you are supposed to! Start from wherever you are, because a successful recalibration toward any goal or idea does not incur a do-over, but rather a choice to be and act differently from the vantage point of all that you bring to this moment. Your ability to drive change by trusting in yourself and tapping into your intuition supports forward movement and ignites productivity and self-esteem. Being bold is about being creative and empowering and acting on “what you want” without worrying about “how” you will achieve it. “How” is where fear and excuses abound, so clarity on “what you want and why you want it” is an essential part of being in action.

The brilliant thing about this is that once you choose to change something and actively seek to energize that change, you organically begin to design and lead your action steps, your goals, your business, and your life! It begins with a shift in boundaries and an awareness that your choices need to be led. If you don’t boldly lead your choices, your choices lead you and your goals and dreams may feel uncomfortable and misaligned. Leadership, specifically self-leadership empowers and connects you to your legacy and it supports you in overriding fear, reclaiming self-respect, and in curating and creating a business and a life that you love. Boldness makes way for chance and possibility.

What you accomplish in 2022 is based on what you choose, show up for, and lead. It is an exploration of possibilities taken one step and one movement at a time. These steps are like a puzzle waiting to connect and form the picture or vision you desire. No action step is too big or too small. Every single one gets you closer. The vision may shift, yet if you decide, are bold, and lead, you navigate along with it!

Decide. Be bold. Lead.


Untitled design-97Randi Levin CPC, is a nationally recognized transitional life strategist and reinvention expert and the founder of The Recalibration Network. Randi helps founders, entrepreneurs, and women in life-cycle transitions recalibrate and reclaim their power of choice so that personally and professionally they build and align with a successful and redefined version of who they are today. She supports them in boosting and energizing clarity and mindset, and in elevating self-esteem and self-awareness that impacts bold decisions and empowers self-leadership and productive goal-getting. Randi opens the door to her client’s next chapter and then supports and champions solutions and development. The results are a deeper connection to values, intuition, setting boundaries, goal-leading, and life alignment that makes it easier to launch, build, promote, and celebrate a business and a life that they love. After almost 2 decades in corporate, a long gig as a SAHM, and a successful launch as a transitional life strategist and reinvention expert 8+ years ago, Randi is a trusted and relatable coach, mentor, speaker, and thought-leader providing action-oriented strategies to recalibrate and reinvent next chapters.
