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What Women Want Workplace Survey 2022


What Women Want

Workplace Survey 2022

In May 2020, Luminary partnered with Bustle Digital Group to facilitate a survey and researching on the early effects of the pandemic on women. Published in July, the findings highlighted concerns about the status of their jobs, the mounting challenges of working parents, the long-term effects on their career, and navigating conversations around raises and flexibility. However, that early on in the pandemic, very few people paid attention.

It's now two years later. We've managed through the She-cession, with millions of women exiting the workforce and 1 out of 3 still not coming back; The Great Resignation/Renewal/Reset; and now many companies asking for employees to return to the office.

We recognized it was once again time for Luminary to check in with our community and the community at-large to stay ahead of the curve and understand the broader impact of what women were looking for in the workforce. In partnership with Indeed we wanted to address the challenges and obstacles together.

Since day one, we have always listened to our Members and what's happening in the world around us. We're about IMPACT. We not only want to see change, we demand it.

In our latest study -- What Women Want in the Workplace and the Workforce, with over 2,000 respondents, it illustrates not only a transitioning population but the “why”, the perception impact, the dealbreakers and the missing pieces. 

Indeed Luminary Infographic (1)

