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When You Step Up, Reach Down and Empower the Next Woman Up!



nooklogo-01-1I spent the last few days out in Sun Valley, Idaho with an amazing group of women supporting the launch of The Nook Online, an alliance for like-minded, determined women to connect, uplift and drive each other forward. I was introduced to the co-founders Noa Ries and Kim Havens late last year by one of our Luminary members who felt there was an opportunity to collaborate – girl, she was right! Not only have we launched a partnership with The Nook Online (more to come), I had the incredible opportunity to meet a new community of women.


The Nook Online provides a virtual platform for connection and curated,IMG_4883 immersive events in various outdoor settings. Fortunately for the group of women that joined their Risk & Resilience Summit this week, it happened to be in Sun Valley. The event combined facilitated conversation on taking calculated risk and how to foster resilience, team-building and bonding with skiing and snowshoeing and an evening fireside chat with fellow entrepreneurs like Co-Founder and CEO of Shoes of Prey, Jodie Fox, Michelle Cordeiro Grant, Founder and CEO of Lively , world-champion athlete and author, Rebecca Rusch , and Dr. Caneel Joyce, executive coach and advisor.


IMG_4760As a new entrepreneur, listening and learning from the facilitators as well as my fellow panelists and also the conference attendees, was eye-opening, reinforcing and inspiring. At Luminary we are building a physical community of women who support and inspire one another, with the goal of driving new connections, business (including revenue) and growth opportunities.  However, communities can be created and built anywhere, no matter how big or small, online or in person to provide support, guidance and inspiration. In these communities, women take risks and open up; we remove our masks and bring our whole selves. We become vulnerable and porous, ready to learn. I felt like I joined a new community yesterday, almost an extension of Luminary, out here in Idaho and as I leave, I know it’s a community that will thrive, sustain and reflect together. It’s what we do when we step up and reach down that creates change for one another and the world. We are resilient!


#comesitatourtable #stepupreachdown
