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Why Aren't Women Talking About Their Health?


There is a major disconnect between wellness and women. Women are often known to be over-communicators, so why is it that women aren’t openly talking about their health?

At a recent event, How Women Are Healing the Wellness Industry, hosted by Luminary’s Founder and CEO, Cate Luzio along with Allie Egan, Founder and CEO of Veracity Selfcare, Alessandra Henderson, Co-Founder & CEO of Elektra Health and Seven Brown, Co-Creator of Luna Wellness surfaced the hidden (and not so hidden) truths around why addressing women's health realities is best left to the women who experience them.

All three women, who have different backgrounds within the industry, all had a common thought: women don’t talk to each other enough about their health. Another common thread among the three is because of their past experiences with their own health, they have each created new ways of providing solutions for those seeking specific guidance or help for others health and wellness.

Changing the dialogue around health

Cate Luzio, Founder and CEO of Luminary, started the conversation by asking, “Why aren’t we talking about the things that are going on with us as women?” 

Many women don’t know that the woman next to them could be dealing with a similar issue or have similar questions. Providing a space where women can express their concerns and hear other women’s stories is what could make these controversial topics not so taboo.

Alessandra Henderson, Co-Founder & CEO, created Elektra Health back in 2019 as a resource for women looking for evidence-based menopause expertise and care. Their mission is to understand and manage symptoms with online education, a supportive community and providing expert care from board-certified doctors. 

Knowing the reason something is happening can create a dialogue around a topic versus finding a solution with no education behind it. 

Misconceptions exist in skincare

Allie Egan, Founder and CEO of Veracity Selfcare, said women tend to seek out help identifying symptoms for skincare, but what is often needed is the leading cause of the symptoms. 

Veracity Selfcare helps eliminate trial and error and educate women about how hormones are affecting the skin to find the right skincare. The simple saliva test gets to the root cause of skin concerns and determines which products are best.

Some women believe there is a negative stigma to being diagnosed with a skin condition, however minor. It’s important to change the misconception that identifying symptoms is not problematic but crucial to the overall approach when it comes to finding the right care.

Wellness looks different for everyone

When asked by one of the audience members if wellness should be scheduled into a busy day, Seven Brown, Co-Creator of Luna Wellness, answered, “There’s 1440 minutes in a day, so yes!” 

Setting some time to focus on oneself for just 20 minutes a day can help with overall health. Mediating, exercise, journaling, and even sex can help reduce stress, anxiety, and enhance well-being.

Wellness isn’t always a product to buy, but knowledge to gain. Even with holistic wellness, there is science behind each approach and with the education behind the service, it could become a solution.

Women’s health becomes more critical and significant with age. Continue to have conversations, learn and take action. Women are strong, but together, they thrive.
