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Meet Luminary Member, Helen Perez


2-Jan-26-2024-12-59-41-5087-PMHow did you get started on your current career path/journey?

I'm passionate about empowering women through strength training. My own transformation over 10 years ago from a place of depression and unhealthy choices to one of wellness and strength has been life-changing, and I want to inspire and support women on their journeys too.
I believe that strength training is not just about physical fitness but also about building confidence in all aspects of life. I want to inspire and empower women to discover their inner strength, both inside and outside the gym.
I began training women out of my garage 9 years ago and it wasn't until 2017 when my partner and I opened up Level Up Studio, LLC, in Bayonne NJ. We currently offer small group classes and personal training. I offer women's only strength programs and provide a sense of community by hosting personal development & empowerment events throughout the year.

How do you define success?

My definition of success is being able to do what you love, having the freedom to create your on schedule in order to be there for your family and enjoy life and be financially stable.

What's something you would tell your younger self about your journey or career -  knowing what you know today?

If I were to give advice to my younger self about my journey or career, based on the knowledge I have today, I would say take care of your well-being, avoid burn out. You can work smarter not harder.

How do you bring others in?

I try to make people feel seen and ensure that they know I can relate to them, especially in their fitness journey. I've been overweight, lacked self esteem, been depressed, etc. and if was able to work past those things they can too.

What impact has Luminary made on you?

Luminary has given me the platform to connect with some amazing women and to tap into incredible resources.


Connect with Helen:

Website: www.helenperezcoaching.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helen_perez/
