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Meet Luminary Member, Ashley Blain


Luminary Member Ashley Blain 

Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path/business journey?

I took the leap into entrepreneurship in 2020 after being laid off due to the pandemic, and haven't looked back since. Being laid off was truly a blessing in disguise, because it allowed me to dedicate 100% of my time to building my business. I turned my passions into a full fledged business, and I wake up happier each day because of it! I work on my business full time as CEO and content manager handling all duties.

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to and why?

A personality trait I attribute most to my success is resilience. Being an entrepreneur, it is imperative to have resilience because you have to be able to adapt to change and bounce back from adversity. To be successful in business and in any career, you have to be willing to put yourself outside of your comfort zone which requires resilience. Resiliency not only helped me grow as a person, but it allowed me to adapt to any adversity and setback that came with building my business.

What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, or in your business, and what did you learn from it?

I’m a strong believer that you should use your experiences, particularly the bad ones as ways to gain knowledge and wisdom in life. Early in my professional career before starting my business, I was put in the unfortunate situation of doing the job duties of an individual who had left the company for an extended period of time. The extra workload on top of my own workload, caused me to work overtime for most days of the week and this negatively affected my mental health and life. After some time went on, I realized that I was doing work that I wasn’t passionate about at all. It made me realize that if I was going to work hard, it would be work that I love doing, and in an industry I am passionate about.

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?

One professional skill I'm currently working on is public speaking. Through my brand, I host an IG TV Series which is a virtual event. However, virtual events and in person events are WAY different. Working on my public speaking skills is a goal of mine this year, that I'm trying to improve. I would love to be a panelist one day where I share the knowledge and insight I've learned growing my brand as an entrepreneur with others.

How do you invite others to a seat at your table?

I invite others to a seat at my table through my IG TV Series "Wellness Check-In & Selfcare Talk". Through this series, I go live with other women entrepreneurs, creators, game changers and influencers to find out how they prioritize selfcare and wellness in their life. I share my brand's platform with other fellow women to showcase who they are and what they do. This initiative also helps the community and audiences realize that 'Selfcare Isn't Selfish' and that it is okay to put yourself first sometimes for your own mental health and well being.

What is one thing that you wish you learned a year ago?

One thing I wished I learned a year ago is to make sure to read contracts thoroughly before signing. If you do not have a business attorney yet, it is completely up to you to make sure you know what you are getting into before signing a contract.

What impact has Luminary made in your career? eg: Community, Business Generated, Revenue, New Clients, Career Connections, Advancement Opportunities

Luminary is such a great community for female entrepreneurs. With being apart of this community, I am able to connect and collaborate with a larger pool of women. It is truly such a blessing being apart of this community. With one of my goals this year being to improve my public speaking skills, I know that the Luminary community will help me do just that!


Connect with Ashley!

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