Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path?
I got fired! I’m definitely an accidental entrepreneur. I never wanted to have my own business. It wasn’t on the radar. But throughout my corporate career working in TV Ad Sales Marketing, I was always encouraged to “go freelance.” That idea terrified me! How would I get clients? How would I know what to charge? What would that even look like? Then one day I was fired from a high-paying job that I hated and knew wasn’t the right fit. I took it as a sign to venture out on my own and I’ve never looked back! Of course it hasn't been easy or linear but what I love is how much my business has evolved and myself with it.
How do you define success?
Helping others be their best selves while having the freedom to choose who I help. I started my business because I wanted to be my own boss, but I never realized how much helping other people would be part of my values and success. I get to help people be more themselves in professional spaces - what could be better than that?
What's something you would tell your younger self about your journey or career - knowing what you know today?
Everything takes longer than you think. We are so easily frustrated or give up when things get hard or take too long. But things take what they take. Give yourself Grace and Space and remember not to SHOULD all over yourself. The only timeline is the fake one in your head.
How do you bring others in?
I have cultivated quite the "girl gang." The women entrepreneur circle in NYC is epic and over the years I've been fortunate to connect with loads of amazing women who support my business and I theirs. It's about INTENTION. I'm a master networker and master connector - by design. Not only do I only hire women, but most of my collaboration partners are women, and I have women guest post to my audience once a month. It's never about what's in it for me. It's always about how can I serve you?
What impact has Luminary made on you?
I used to joke that I was Luminary Adjacent! I circled Luminary since the start, coming to events, buying day passes and always knew I'd join one day. All of my friends are members! And of course, I want to support Cate and what she's built. The community at Luminary has impacted my business merely through the women I've met at events (many of whom are clients, referral partners or collaborators) and now that I'm a member, I'm sure that will only grow exponentially.