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Meet Luminary Member, Dr. Gena Yuvette Davis


Meet Luminary Member, Dr. Gena Yuvette Davis 

Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path/business journey?

I had been in marketing for 18 years and had worked in the entertainment business. My last corporate role was Executive Director of Global Brands. When my division closed and everyone was ultimately laid off, I started thinking about what I wanted to do next: pursue another corporate role in marketing or start my own business again. I have always been an entrepreneur. True Synergy is my third business venture. As I reflected on my career and life, I started to realize that having my own business was part of my destiny. I had the opportunity not only to be my own boss but be able to do work that made a difference. True Synergy and now, Dr. Gena Yuvette Davis Media is my destiny. I am meant to be here doing what I LOVE!

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why?

I am finally confident in who I am and I consistently bring my true authentic self to everything I do. I am a trusted business advisor to my clients. I provide opportunities and mentoring others. I love God, who is at the center of everything I do in my career, and I love my little dog Mila, who keeps me laughing when things get tough. I have supportive friends and family. These are the keys to my success.

What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, or in your business, and what did you learn from it?

I tried to do everything too fast. I had to have it NOW. I didn't know what the heck I was doing! I have learned to take baby steps to grow my business and get the results I am seeking. My business is my journey and I treat it as such.

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?

"Slow to hire; Quick to fire."

How do you invite others to take a seat at the table?

If we have synergy in our goals, complementary skills, as well as aligned beliefs, and values, you can have a seat at my table.

What is one thing you wish you knew a year ago?

That the Pandemic would stretch all the way into 2021 and maybe even beyond. But despite that, we are moving forward. We are growing.

What impact has Luminary made in your career? eg: Business Generated, Revenue, New Clients, Career Connections, Advancement Opportunities 

I have made some great connections on Luminary. It is a wonderful community and I look forward to more opportunities to build great partnerships, obtain new clients, and generate revenue.







