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Meet Luminary Member, Lenese Griffin



Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path?
I learned to sew from my granny at a very young age. I had my first business when I was 8 years old making custom pillows. I graduated to making clothes in junior high school and high school. I attended Columbia College Chicago and earned a BFA in fashion design. I relocated to NYC in 2014 to pursue my Masters in Fashion Management & Merchandising. I worked as a fashion industry professional through the duration of my Masters until 2020. I started LC Apparel as a side hustle in 2017 to help emerging designers. In 2020 I was laid off and decided to take on LC Apparel full time. Within 6 months and a pandemic, I went from my living room to a commercial space and 10 employees. In the last 3 years a I have completed product development for over 250 emerging fashion brands around the USA.

How do you define success?

I define success as peace, freedom and assisting others with growing their dreams and creating their own opportunities when others have said no.

What's something you would tell your younger self when it comes to your career now knowing what you know today?

Trust the process, take your time and be very conscience of your financials and spending habits.

How do you bring others in?

I bring others in by networking no matter where I am and being an authentic and transparent open book. I very big on social engagement and I have a podcast where I interview, collaborate and share the journey and stories of other creatives.

What impact has Luminary made on you?

Luminary has motivated me, the email motivation really keeps me going on the days that I want to give up. I also like stepping away from my studio and working in the co-working space the days I want to work on my business and not in my business. There is no unity without community.
