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Meet Luminary Member, Naadira Brown


Naadira Brown


Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path?

I am a retired Army officer with over 20 years of honorable service. I was in a private book group for aspiring authors and the group leader, knowing I am someone who always speaks on and encourages kindness, gave me the name Kindness Coach. It stuck! I started my business in order to formalize the work I was already doing and position myself to be compensated for using my gifts and creating impact.

How do you define success?

Success is personal. It is how you measure yourself compared to what you were born to do, NOT by those around you.

What's something you would tell your younger self when it comes to your career now knowing what you know today?

Set goals and monitor any and all progress.

How do you invite others to come sit at your table?

I am a natural born cheerleader and encourager. I believe it is my inviting energy that does what "pitching" sometimes cannot.

What impact has Luminary made in your career? ex: community, business generated, new clients, career connections, advancement opportunities

I am still digesting all of the value that Luminary provides. As of now, I love community and career connections.
