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Meet Luminary Member, Sia Alexander


Meet Luminary Member, Sia Alexander


Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path?

I attended Stanford University and Howard University, graduating Magna Cum Laude with a BA in Human Psychology. After working in my field as an art therapist, I decided to pursue a career in fashion. Whilst working as a Ford model in NYC, Paris, and Capetown, I kept my mind and body aligned by studying spirituality, holistic health, and the creative arts. From this study, I was inspired to develop my own companies - Heal Love Now and Pure Lagos African Art Gallery, to aid others in living a more holistic, dynamic, and creative life.

How do you define success?

Success is being at peace with yourself, in harmony with all life, and in service to the planet.

What's something you would tell your younger self when it comes to your career now knowing what you know today?

The young me would have loved to know that she had the world in the palm of her hand; and the magic wand in creating her perfect life was unleashed through a fearless attitude powered by love.

How do you invite others to come sit at your table?

I love inspiring, teaching and guiding other woman, entrepreneurs and change makers through my open door experience at the art gallery, during my travels all over the world, and via my writing (I’ve written several books).

What impact has Luminary made in your career? ex: community, business generated, new clients, career connections, advancement opportunities

The expanded community of phenomenal woman entrepreneurs has been a great gift of the Luminary Fellowship.
