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Meet Luminary Member, Yvette Estime


Luminary Member Yvette Estime 

Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path/business journey?

I am an accessory designer with my twin designer and we launched online during the pandemic and an instagram store. We won the Klarna Business Initiative, the facebook mentorship program.

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to and why?

I love that disappointment and failure excites me in trying new things rather than give up. It means that I always have a chance to make a comeback!

What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, or in your business, and what did you learn from it?

I never took advantage of tax breaks by spending a lot of time as a partnership which had a higher tax. I learned that tax breaks and keeping track of expenses are too important to lay down

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?

Funnels and targeting which still seems a mystery to me.

How do you invite others to a seat at your table?

I love community and my brand encourages sustainability efforts and how to maintain your items. I work with local charities in swapping clothes, remaking clothes and of course how you can understand the term slow fashion.

What is one thing that you wish you learned a year ago?

The importance of showing not just my products but myself as well.

What impact has Luminary made in your career? eg: Community, Business Generated, Revenue, New Clients, Career Connections, Advancement Opportunities

I just started with luminary but how to make some business connections when it comes to marketing, advertising and social media.


Connect with Yvette!




