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Meet Our Board Advisors: Mita Mallick On Creating Inclusivity and Inviting Others to the Table


MMMakers2018 - Mita Mallick

Mita Mallick is the Head of Diversity and Cross-Cultural Marketing at Unilever. She is also part of our advisory board here at Luminary and as she puts it "It's a privilege to be on this Advisory Board".

Tell us a bit about yourself?
A corporate change-maker on a journey to build inclusive cultures. A proud mom of Jay and Priya.

How did you get started with your current career path/business journey?
I'm a marketer by training and was asked by my management to lead Inclusion Efforts for our company. One of the best career decisions I ever made!

What do you find is the most rewarding aspect of what you do?
Connecting with people about their experiences and stories.

How are you inviting others to take a seat at the table?
1. Inviting people to meetings
2. Offering people a physical seat at the table (don't allow people to sit in the back!)
3. Inviting people to share their perspectives and listening to what they share

What impact has Luminary made in your career?
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities; Expanding my personal and professional networks.
