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Meet Luminary Member, Priscilla Guasso


https://www.weareluminary.com/member-highlight/priscilla-guassoHow did you get started on your current career path/journey?

I am very proud of my 17+ HR career starting as a coordinator and making it as an executive. I started in the hospitality industry working at one hotel, then supporting two hotels as HR and then moved my way into the corporate offices. There is where my career continued to expand across DEI, Talent Acquisition supporting Latin America opening over 45 hotels, then executive as a divisional leader supporting 9 states in the U.S., to then working for a global tech company in Talent Management. Through my career I learned from and was inspired by some of the best leaders, however many of them were allies to me and very rarely did I cross my path with any Latino or Latina executives. This rang true in HR and I chose to act on it by publishing two amazon best selling author books, translating them into Spanish, growing a community with a reach of 9,000+ Latinas in HR, hosting annual leadership summit, giving out HR scholarship to undergrad, graduate and professionals in HR and being a bridge of connection and visibility for Latinas in HR.

How do you define success?

I believe that it's a way of life and rather focus on success...I focus on the legacy I'm leaving behind for my family and community. It's focusing on the actions, integrity and values I have and making a choice each day to push the needle in my circle of influence. I choose to motivate and inspire those around me by sharing the hard stuff and celebrating accomplishments. After all is said and done, we don't take success with us when we leave this Earth...we leave memories and create ripple effects to inspire others to join our purpose.

What's something you would tell your younger self about your journey or career -  knowing what you know today?

To take moments to slow down and trust that everything really does work out. You have all the skills and knowledge to get things done, but timing is something you cannot control. Remember that your instincts aren't wrong and to hold tight to your values and foundation.

How do you bring others in?

At every opportunity I find ways to include more than just me. A prime example is shifting speaking opportunities to be organized as panels where I can bring 4-5 ladies on stage with me to show that there are amazing leaders out there. When I'm invited to events I ask to bring 2-5 ladies with me and am constantly sharing opportunities on my social platforms or via email depending on the material (grants, programs, etc).

What impact has Luminary made on you?

I've met some wonderful people, the workshops have grown my knowledge, hosting my NYC roundtable at Luminary's offices was phenomenal (had over 20 ladies! yeah!) and being invited by Luminary/Amex to the L'attitude conference in Miami was monumental. I made so many connections with corporations interested in what I was building will without a doubt grow my business in 2024 through membership, corporate support and book sales.


Connect with Priscilla:

Website: www.LatinasRisingUpInHR.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latinasinhr/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/priscillaguasso/ 
