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Meet Luminary Member, Sydney Greene


Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path/business journey?

My dad used to call me a food snob, he wasn't wrong. I have always been fascinated by food - learning its history, where it came from, how it fuels the body and affects the mind. Food is the universal connector. At the end of the day, we all need food in order to survive and everyone has their own story in how they relate to it. Personally and professionally, I am deeply interested in how we use food. As a woman in recovery from addiction and disordered eating, I have a first hand account of how food can be used to cope, to manage or to numb out. My mission is to support womxn in their quest for recovery. Whether that means eating without hating themselves, making peace with what they see in the mirror, letting go of workouts that do more harm than good, choosing foods that help stabilize their mood, or building up enough trust to eat the food they've told themselves they can never eat.

How are you overcoming challenges during the pandemic as a business owner?

Connecting with others is my primary tool for not losing my sanity. Community is sacred to me, I heavily rely on phoning a friend during the good, bad, and insane times. I feel very grateful that I have not experienced a lot of hardship in the last 6 months. I express gratitude for a business that can be virtual daily.

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why?

I am resourceful #af and I am incredibly grateful for all of the people in my life who have said yes to me when I have asked for coffee dates, advice, suggestions or general help. I can get really creative when it comes to finding an answer or solution to a problem or concern I am having and that has allowed me to grow at a steady rate.

What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, and what did you learn from it?

Saying yes to opportunities out of fear. To be totally honest, I still struggle with this every now and again. In the past, I said yes to working in an area of my field that was harmful to my mental health but it was lucrative. I began to live in resentment instead of gratitude which is a really painful space to be in. Now I have learned to pause before committing to something and seeing if my answer is coming from a place of fear or a place of integrity.

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?

Marketing. When I slow down enough to think about my business I am in awe of the many hats I get to wear as a business owner. Of course there is my job as a dietitian but then there is the billing, social media and business development hats. Currently I'm working on making a marketing lead and streamlining the way I communicate with my network.

In what ways are you taking care of your personal well being and what are your #selfcare tips?

Connection, nature, hydrating and sleep are my non-negotiables for staying well. My partner and I recently moved out of the city to have more access to nature and that move has been a huge game changer for my mental health. Sometimes even the simpliest observation of trees rustling in the wind is all it takes to bring me back down to earth and remember that I am right where I need to be.

How are you inviting others to take a seat at the table #virtually?

I am so proud of the online nutrition group I created called Soulful Eating. This group is open to womxn-identified humans who are not only looking to heal their relationship to food and their bodies but to meet others who get it. Navigating body image and food issues can be incredibly isolating and lonely. So often in my private sessions I will hear clients voice something along the lines of "I know no one else feeling this way". That is why I created these quarterly groups, to show others that they are so not alone.

What impact has Luminary made in your career? eg: Business Generated, Revenue, New Clients, Career Connections, Advancement Opportunities 

I'm new to Luminary, I'm looking forward to making new connections.


